
The all-new smart electric drive lets you ditch the pump. Which means you can enjoy more stuff that gets you pumped.

Idea: Compute all the fun you can have with all the cash you can save.

Role: Researched quirky activities one can enjoy by not driving a gas-powered vehicle.

Agency: Razorfish
Senior Copywriter: Dan Brill
Senior Art Director: Spencer Hansen
Copywriter: Andrew Bernstein
Fintern Copywriters: Gordo, Ferdi
Fintern Art Directors: Rei RocDiana Campagna


Each item was animated.

take a month of chocolate baths.

take a month of chocolate baths.

buy a full-sized bouncy castle.

buy a full-sized bouncy castle.

attend space camp...twice.

attend space camp...twice.

Web Banners

Each animated banner was geo-targeted to a specific location from New York to San Diego.

New York

New York

Connecticut (left) and Washington, D.C. (right)

Connecticut (left) and Washington, D.C. (right)

Boston (left) and Washington, D.C. (right)

Boston (left) and Washington, D.C. (right)

New Jersey (left and right)

New Jersey (left and right)